n14=on 1:BAN:#:if $nick == $me { halt } | if $banmask iswm $address($me,3) && %aop == on { .msg chanserv unban $chan me | .kick $chan $nick bad idea... NEVER ban me! $logo }
n15=on 1:BAN:#:if $nick == $me { halt } | if $bnick == $me && %aop == on { .msg chanserv unban $chan me | .kick $chan $nick bad idea... NEVER ban me! $logo }
n17=on 1:DEOP:#:if $nick == $me { halt } | if $me == $opnick && %aop == on { .msg chanserv op $chan $me | .set %whodeopedme $nick | .set %revengefordeop on }
n18=CTCP 1:*:if %ctcp.lt.flud.prot == on && ( $len($1-) >= %max.ctcp.text ) { .ignore -tu30 $wildsite | .notice $nick 7{10I Have CTCP Long Text Flood Protection by $logo :▐7} | cecho $nick was CTCP Long Text Flooding you, ignoring him for 30 seconds. }
n19=ON 1:CHAT:*:if %dcc.lt.flud.prot == on && ( $len($1-) >= %max.dcc.text ) { .ignore -pu30 $wildsite | .notice $nick 7{10I Have DCC Long Text Flood Protection by $logo :▐7} | cecho $nick was DCC Long Text Flooding you, ignoring him for 30 seconds. }
n20=on 1:open:= {
n21= if $nick == $me && %e.mail == on {
n22= .timer 1 2 /msg = $+ $me HELO $ip
n23= .timer 1 3 /msg = $+ $me MAIL FROM: %from
n24= .timer 1 4 /msg = $+ $me RCPT TO: %recipient
n25= .timer 1 5 /msg = $+ $me DATA
n26= .timer 1 6 /msg = $+ $me Subject: %subject
n27= .timer 1 7 /msg = $+ $me %message
n28= .timer 1 8 /msg = $+ $me .
n29= .timer 1 9 /msg = $+ $me quit
n30= .set %e.mail off
n31= }
n33=on 1:DNS:{
n34= if %iwannatelnet == off { halt }
n35= echo 12 -a You will be telenetting to this site via DCC chat. Click the "Yes" to telenet to the site.
n36= echo 12 -a Telenetting to $iaddress using port %port . . .